Interactive Touch Screen
The interactive experience is designed to help people learn about Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC) and their approach. Users can choose between English and Arabic, and then select different topics to explore. They can interact with the experience by tapping on the chosen topic and throwing the icon to the screen in front of them. The information will appear on the screen in front of them.
The interactive experience is divided into 9 topics, which include AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure), Istmrar, Smart Grid, Recycled Water, Fish Aquarium, Green Corner, Kafa ati Initiative, Masjidi Initiative, Industrial Initiative, and Irrigation Optimization Initiative for Private Gardens. After selecting a topic, an animation will play providing information about the topic.


Creative Direcor: Fabian Pulido
Project Director: Karl Eid 
Project Manager: Jonathan Noble
Editor: Srishti Sharma
Sketch Artist: Ayrat Yusupov, Hamda
Development & Animation: Weloadin 
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